The current  hourly fee for our Caterpillar Room (2 year olds) is £5.50.

The current hourly fee for our Butterfly Room (3 year olds) is £4.50.

The funding rates paid to Nursery and early years settings are due to rise in September 2024. We have always asked a similar price for paid hours as we receive for funded hours so will be raising the cost of sessions in both Caterpillar and Butterfly classes accordingly.


Butterfly Class

Caterpillar class

Cost per hour




When you can start claiming

The date you can start claiming depends on your child’s birthday.

Child’s birthday When you can claim
1 January to 31 March The beginning of term on or after 1 April
1 April to 31 August The beginning of term on or after 1 September
1 September to 31 December The beginning of term on or after 1 January

Example; Your child was born on 15 February 2013. You can get free childcare when the next term starts after 1 April 2016.

Help Paying For Childcare  

There are many options for help with paying for your childcare depending on you personal situation. 

Follow this link for some information on what you may be eligible for:

Please visit Norfolk Take2 Eligibility Checker to see if you are eligible for 2 year old funding

30+ Hours at Kings Lynn Nursery School

We are pleased to offer a maximum of 36 hours across a week in our Butterfly class and 35 hours in our caterpillar class.

Whilst many children enjoy spending as much time here as possible and are benefitting from the extended provision other children find this length of time difficult.

When a parent requests more than 15 hours we will consider this carefully to ensure it is in the best interest of the child.

A child attending the Nursery for a more than 15 hours needs to

  • Be able to play with or alongside others
  • Enjoy the company of other children and staff
  • Be able to self-regulate (behave appropriately with support)
  • Be able to eat and drink with limited support
  • Be able to sleep in a different space (if they nap regularly)

If a child is not able to do these things we believe that they will benefit most from the balance of home and Nursery that a 15 hour placement provides. We cannot provide the same level of adult support, attention and emotional security that a child without these skills may need in order to benefit most from.

As a Nursery school we will work together with parents to provide the best experience we can. Each child is an individual and we will consider with parents if a placement over 15 hours is right for the child.

Most children extending their hours benefit from doing this gradually over several weeks and we will make a plan, with parents, as to how the child’s hours can be increased in a way that ensures the best possible experience for the child.